We’re a non-profit electric utility, owned by the people we serve in 55 villages throughout interior and western Alaska. In fact, the AVEC service area is the largest of any retail electric cooperative in the world.


If your power goes out, follow this checklist to protect your home:

Check and see if your neighbors have electricity. If they do, check your fuses or circuit breaker to rule out problems with electricity inside your home.

If your neighbor’s electricity is out, too, call us at 1-800-478-1818.
Use a flashlight when it gets dark. Avoid candles because of the fire risk.

Unplug computers, TVs, VCRs, and other sensitive appliances. This will avoid possible damage when electricity comes back on.
Turn off all but one of the lights that were on, so you will notice when electricity is restored.

Turn off heat-producing appliances, like electric irons and electric heaters to prevent fires in case no one is home when power is restored.

AVEC Member Services
For connecting, disconnecting or transferring an existing service, call AVEC Member Services at 1-800-478-1818.


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